On October 26th, I posted I had got the original Thai VCD of the original movie Tomas Tang used on his Ninja in the killing fields, few days later I posted the movie could be seen uncut on YouTube, click here if you were interested on those posts.

Jub Classic movies was kindly to send me the original thai poster of MUE PUEN 3 AI MUE DUM (มือปืน 3 ไอ้มือดำ).

Ninja in the Killing Fields belongs to the period Stuart Smith worked for Filmark under the pseudonym of Stuart Steen, as usual, the all the credits were "make-up" by Tang & we found the new pasted scenes were directed by York Lam...while the action was choreographed & played by Donald Kong Do & Ex-venom Sun Chien who, also as usual, has a supporting role.
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