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lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Joseph Lai, Tomas Tang & Godfrey Ho exclusive stars of China Fanzine (part 1)

Internet plays miracles. Fifteen years ago we couldn't imagine internet would allow us to access to all kind of information sources or even meet movie stars, producers, directors through social networks. Fifteen years ago, I used to dream how wonderful it would be if I could talk to the stars of the movies I like. Now that dream is a reality but the information sources of that years ( maybe I should say "ages") are still very valuable & help us to understand better what we know now.

Spain, 1995. Video rental shops were flooded with IFD, Filmark and other independent video companies productions. Dozens of ninja flicks shared the shelves with Filipino actioners, Italian comedies, and all kind of explotation tapes from all around the world. But, there isn't too much information about those tapes, there isn't a clue about the people who made those movies...until China Fanzine arrived.

Domingo López, an avid follower of explotation movies since he was just a small brat brought light to people like me who usually rent those movies & were curious about their origin. China Fanzine was the first fanzine that dedicated a special issue to Joseph Lai, Tomas Tang & their production companies. The fanzine was lost until ZENI a friend & follower of this blog and user of ZHK website and of course, another avid fan of exploit movies told me he still owned a copy of that issue that I can now share with all of you.

Zeni gave his permission & he allows me to publish here the scan pics of China Fanzine. I suppose, Domingo López, the author will not find any offense sharing his work here. THANKS A LOT to Zeni for his kindness & THANKS A LOT to Domingo López for his early work on IFD & Filmark movies.

This first entry includes China Fanzine Issue 2 cover, an opinion columm & the pages dedicated to Tomas Tang & Filmark International.

A classic, lost and now recovered gem from the spanish fanzines. A bible about asian exploitation cinema

When internet was not a part of our lives & information was in very few hands, Domingo López knew more about IFD & Filmark than many HK cinema authors.

Tomas Tang's history was compiled in 3 pages full of humour, real data. The most completed article written in Spanish before the internet age.


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