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martes, 17 de mayo de 2011
The Spy Inferno Pressbook
I was rewatching Filmark's THE SPY INFERNO when I just remembered SPANNICK from Cinehound forum had kindly uploaded a lot of pressbooks of IFD & Filmark & I knew the one from The Spy Inferno was among them. So, I think it would be nice to upload it here as well. All the credits must be for Spannick & his kindness.
The original pressbook was used as design for the spanish art cover. Filmark's art designer was lazier than IFD's because he didn't change a bit the original thai artwork.
The opening title credits from the Spanish tape. The tape also included the ogirinal trailer.
Filmark's pressbook didn't include a single pic of the thai original movie. All the still pics were about the new added shots that were directed by Donald Kong & Ex-venom Sun Chien
Tom Kelly starred a good bunch of war movies at Filmark, he ended doing a small cameo as a Zombie in The Hunter Destroyer, the sequel of Robovampire.
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